Included in this course are
the 4 Pillars of Classic Mime!
Being used by individuals, schools, camps and other group environments.
Basic Mime 1: The 7 Axis
In mime, we divide the body in 7 segments called the 7 axes. They are used to study body lines, postures and physical expression. Use as many axes you need and combine them to reproduce postures, age, emotions, animals, objects etc.
This course introduces you to the 7 Axis and starts to show how to maximize the use of them.
Basic Mime 2: The 4 Dynamics
Learn what are and how to use the 4 Dynamics of:
- Fondu
- Toc
- Rebound
- Vibrations
Basic Mime 3: Face, Hands and Fixed Point
You can communicate so much with your Face, your Hands and the correct body posture.
Learn the basics of each of these to maximize your communication to large groups or to individuals.
Basic Mime 4: Pantomime
The classic use of Mime for Pantomime!
See examples of many of the classic routines for you to learn from and perfect for your own use. You have the basics knowledge now practice more as you are only limited by your imagination!
Introduction to the Body Talk Mime School
Mario Diamond Mime Teacher
School description
Always captivated by the silent art, Mario developed his own style and teaching techniques to apply in physical acting with circus performers, actors, figure skaters and politicians.
Here is some teaching experiences;
- NECCA Circus School, Brattleboro, Vermont, USA
- MOTH Poetic Circus, Denver, Colorado, USA
- Street Theater troupe, Belgium
- Canadian Olympic figure skaters (Josée Chouinard, Canadian Champion, Patrick Chan, World Champion)
- Chinese Olympic figure skaters
- Japanese Olympic figure skaters (Fumie Suguri)
- American Olympic figure skaters
- Russian Olympic figure skaters (Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov)
- Various international circus artists; jogglers, clowns, contortionists etc.
- Montreal Maire (1980's)
- US Senator (2010's)
It is a three step technique; learn, practice, apply.
I explain and demonstrate the technique. You try it and practice for a while. I show examples with videos and live acts. Then you apply it to your daily life.
Example Curriculum (With Example Videos)
- The 7 Axes - Explanation and Demonstration (1:05)
- Word on Warm-up (0:26)
- Warm-up for Mime (2:30)
- Position Zero (0:37)
- Axis 1 - The Head (0:41)
- Axis 2 - The Neck (0:54)
- Axis 3 - The Solar Plexus (0:55)
- Exercise for Axes 1-2-3 - The Rooster fight (1:36)
- Axis 4 - The Belly Button and the Waist (0:58)
- Axis 5 - The Hips Level (0:37)
- Axis 6 - The Knees (0:46)
- Axis 7 - The Feet and Ankles (0:35)
- Exercise for all Axes - The Statue (0:48)
- Exercise for all Axes - Getting older/Younger (0:40)
- Exercise for all Axes - Evolution - Darwin's Vision (0:30)
- Example of the Statue Technique used for a TV Awards Show (0:17)
- Conclusion (0:29)
- Questions or Comments ??? !!!
- The 4 Dynamics - Explanation (0:42)
- Reminder on Warm-up (0:26)
- Warm-up for Mime (2:30)
- The 1st Dynamic - Fondu (0:50)
- Exercise for the 1st Dynamic - Fondu (1:11)
- The 2nd Dynamic - Toc (0:30)
- Exercise for the 2nd Dynamic - Toc (1:35)
- Exercise for the 1st and 2nd Dynamics combined - The Robot (0:42)
- Example 1st and 2nd Dynamics performance - Live Show at Circus Spectacular - The Man Machine (11:51)
- Example 1st and 2nd Dynamics performance - Robots at the Park - With Danièle Brodeur (4:09)
- The 3rd Dynamic - Rebound (0:41)
- Exercise for the 3rd Dynamic - Rebound (1:00)
- Exercise for the 3rd Dynamic- Rebound - T-Rex (0:30)
- The 4th Dynamic - Vibrato (0:54)
- Exercise for the 4th Dynamic - Vibrato (0:38)
- Exercises for all 4 Dynamics Together (1:59)
- Exercise for all 4 Dynamics Together - The Lizard (0:30)
- Act covering all Dynamics - Mario Diamond impersonating Charlie Chaplin (0:39)
- Conclusion (0:29)
- Questions or Comments ??? !!!
- Warm-up, always Warm-up (0:26)
- Warm-up for Mime (7:30)
- The Face (2:55)
- Exercise for the Face - The Secret (0:48)
- Hands (1:15)
- Exercise for the Hands - Wave (0:55)
- Exercise for the Hands - Expressive Hands (0:38)
- Observations for the Hands (0:48)
- Exploration for Face and Hands - Pantomime The Daisy (1:30)
- Fixed Point - Definition -Explanation (1:43)
- Exercise for Fixed Point - The Rope (0:57)
- Exercise for Fixed Point - Ringing The Bells (1:02)
- Live Show - The Suitcase (3:53)
- Conclusion (0:29)
- Questions or Comments ??? !!!
- Warm-up (0:26)
- Warm-up for Mime (2:30)
- Building characters to play with mime techniques (1:59)
- Pantomime- Evolution - Mario's creation (5:19)
- Pantomime - Ringing The Bells (1:02)
- Pantomime - The Daisy (1:30)
- Pantomime - One Thing Leading to Another (2:13)
- Pantomime - The Strong Man - Circus Spectacular (6:06)
- Pantomime - The Sword Swallower- Circus Spectacular (4:16)
- Pantomime - The Suitcase (1:43)
- Live Show - Summer Festival - The Suitcase (3:53)
- TV Show - Romantic Robots - with Danièle Brodeur (4:09)
- Pantomime - The Broken Mirror - Clown and Mime - Circus Spectacular (5:37)
- Live Show - Creatures - Circus Spectacular (5:28)
- Conclusion (0:29)
- Questions or Comments ??? !!!